The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London
+44 (0)20 7434 0090
The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London

During 2016, Industry Forum Chair, Rod Dowler, assisted Lord Kerslake’s independent review of the Treasury to consider how it should work to promote and manage more sustainable growth in a fairer and more equal society.

Click here to open Rethinking the Treasury

In this wide-ranging analysis of the implications of the election of Donald Trump and the UK vote for Brexit, Professor Stephen Haseler raises many disturbing questions about the shifting priorities and alignments of major world powers and the risks faced by the UK.

Click here to open Trump’s New World Order: Brexit and Europe in a World Turned Upside Down

The joint Federal Trust/Global Policy Institute/Industry Forum project to tackle the difficult questions raised by Brexit did produce some significant survey consensus about what Brexit should provide. Sadly, in the time between the survey and March 2017 it has become clear that, as the Rolling Stones would say ‘You don’t always get what you want’. The most serious issue for business is that it now seems highly unlikely that the UK will remain in the Single Market.

For the full report click here Brexit survey full results

In this provocative article, David Rowe argues that although Brexit will clearly lead to short-term economic turmoil driven by political uncertainty, it just might improve the sustainability of the European Union. David is an American academic and risk advisory specialist with extensive private sector experience.

Download a copy of First, get their attention


Brendan Donnelly, Director of the Federal Trust, gives his views on the consequences of unleashing the BREXIT tiger.

Download a copy of We have seen the future and it doesn't work

Sir Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and President of the Board of Trade from 2010 to 2015, outlines his views on why governments are reluctant to invest even when there are strong reasons for doing so.

Download a copy of Why governments won't invest