The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London
+44 (0)20 7434 0090
The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London

Owning our future relationship with Europe

Panel discussion,
Event location:
Central London
Fieldfisher LLP

Whatever the outcome of the Brexit negotiations with the EU, and within the Westminster political parties, the mainland countries of Europe will forever remain the closest neighbours of the UK. It is thus in the overwhelming interest of all concerned that our future mutual relationships should be as cooperative and fruitful as possible. Our expert panel of speakers from across the political spectrum will review the post-party conference situation and give their views on the policies and actions now needed for a good long-term relationship with the rest of Europe.

Speakers for this event:

Catherine West MP

Allison Roche, UNISON

Lord Dykes

Dr Phillip Lee MP


For more information on this event